Why I Chose to Pursue Photography

Hi there. Thanks for coming to my blog! This is my first blog post ever, I am a little nervous for anyone to be reading this. I just felt like I wanted to bring another aspect to my photography business and I figured a blog could be a great way to share more about myself as a photographer, a mother, a wife, and also a great place to share more information about what to expect when you book me as your photographer!

My hope is to create at least one blog post every month and share helpful tips to prepare you for your photography session or to share things that are personally happening in my life that maybe you can relate to!

So here goes nothing. My first post!

I decided for my first blog post I would share WHY I got into photography. It's a common question I've gotten since I started my business in October 2020.

Here is my WHY. My daughter.

She was born late August 2019 and I've had the precious opportunity to stay home with her everyday and witness all the milestones and daily love I got by being with her. But, by the end of her first year I was longing for a passion outside of motherhood. I knew I loved staying home with her and I didn't want to completely give that up so, I started thinking,

"what could give me the freedom to choose my own schedule but still spend my days with my daughter". I had a photographer friend that took 'mommy + me' photos for us and I started thinking... I've always been interested in photography, ever since I took photoshop in high school. But, for some reason I never thought it was something I could pursue. But, something changed for me, I can't even put my finger on it but I started thinking "I CAN do this". I didn't give it too much thought past that but one day I was cleaning out our downstairs closet and found our Canon camera. As soon as I picked it up I KNEW photography is what I wanted to pursue!

It was the perfect option for me, a mother who wanted the freedom to choose her own schedule and stay home with her daughter but also have a passion to pursue in the cracks of the day- when my daughter is napping or down for bedtime. From that day on I went at it full force. I watched as many online webinars as I could get my eyes on, I purchased online courses, read materials, and PRACTICED.

I offered my first ever mini sessions in December 2020. Having my first paying client felt awesome! From then on, I have dedicated time each day to do something that moves me closer to my goals. I decided early on in my photography journey that I would not give up on this path. I took a look back into things I had attempted to pursue in the past and thought about why I always ended up quitting. And here's what I discovered.. things got hard. I was afraid of failing so I just quit. But, not this time! I made the mental decision from day one that I would not give up on this.

So, you can find me working on myself and my photography, getting better every time I pick up my camera! I am dedicated to always expanding my knowledge and trying new things! I am doing this for myself yes, but more so I am doing this for my daughter. I want her to follow her heart and find her passion. I want to show her how to not quit when things get hard. How to build something from the bottom up and work hard everyday to get better, and to do better!

If you've read this far, THANK YOU. The support means the world to me!